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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our identity is our civilization. If we exchange our civilization, we would be exchanging our identity and, at that, we would loose our existence among the nations and civilizations and turn into a consumed society with no value to its entity. If this nation is destitute, it will be erased from the map!

The greatness of civilizations was built on what they produced intellectually, humanly and culturally. Civilizations can never be measured by the number of people they contain, for the criteria is not in the number but in the result. That fact positions the Lebanese civilization at the first rank amidst the others, because if the number of people was adopted as a criteria instead of the accomplishments then some of the backward nations would have conquered the top of the civilizations.

ERA OF LEBANON confirms the greatness of the Lebanese civilization which is a living civilization since all its outputs are still topping the list of needs of all the peoples of the world. Our civilization shall not die, unless we decide ourselves to kill it! And this…, is an impossible matter.

Dimension: 21cm*28cm / 144 pages / Hard cover

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A book that reflects the Lebanese identity since 7000 years. A piece of the Christian heritage in every home. A distinguish gift representing Christian civilization that we are proud to offer to Ourselves and to those we love.More than 600 photos and 600 legends and historical facts.
Dimension: 23cm*33cm / 304 pages / Hard cover

سهّل طريقك

القيادة هي فنّ وذوق وأخلاق،

لكن قبل كل شيء هي أصول وقانون وتقنية.

سهّل طريقك هو لك ولإستعمالك الدائم لتحسين أدائك على الطرقات، لتفسر كافة المعلومات الموجودة عليها، لحسن تقاسم الطريق مع الآخرين، لإكتساب تقنيات وعادات مفيدة وآمنة والأهم أنها سهلة التطبيق.

كيف أقود؟ وأين؟ ومتى يجب؟ ومتى لا يجب؟ وماذا تعني الإشارات؟

كيف أحافظ على سلامتي وسلامة عائلتي وسلامة أصدقائي وسلامة الآخرين؟

ما هي تقنيات القيادة في الأحوال الجوية كافة؟

ما هي حقوقي وما هي حقوق الآخرين؟

ماذا يسمح القانون وماذا يمنع؟

سهّل طريقك خيار ملزم وضرورة تفرض حالها على واقع طرقاتنا اليومي وأمام واجبنا الوطني والإنساني...
Dimension: 14cm*19cm / 64 pages / Soft cover